
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Birthdays | Year Round

Greeting cards from the store are great, especially the ones that stole the words out of your mouth.  But a hand made Birthday card? The only thing better is being in person to tell your loved one, “Happy Birthday!” If you time it right, you can get the card in the mailbox the day of their birthday, which makes it even more special.
To make the card:

1. Creativity!  Where to get the ideas? Look at card ideas online, at the store,scrapbooking magazines, online blogs, your dream of the perfect birthday card.
2. Buy special embellishments from your craft store and add to the card to make it that more special. If you can find ones that fit the person you are making the card for, all the better. 
3. Hand stitch over the lettering and any other place on the card that you wish.
   Various Fonts and Scripts
TIP: When punching your holes into the card, put on top of styrofoam, card board, or cork (from old cork board, pot trivet). It allows for the holes to go all the way through the paper and doesn’t leave damage to your table surface. 
4. The post office has really great stamps that you can use to make the card a little more special. 
Even if you missed the day, sending a belated card means just as much.  Just showing someone you thought of them on their special day puts a smile on their face, and hopefully makes for a memorable birthday. 

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